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DS Capture Flashing White on Windows 10

DS Capture Flashing White on Windows 10

Message par sst2003 » Lun 5. Août 2019, 20:46

My OG DS capture card has worked perfectly on my Windows 7 computer. However, I have just upgraded to a Windows 10 computer for better quality recording and to be able to stream, since my old computer wasn't powerful enough to stream. However, the capture card software keeps flashing white at random. I've checked to make sure the cables are connected properly and I have tried using every one of my computer's USB ports and the problem persists. It still works perfectly on my Windows 7 computer, but not on my Windows 10 computer. What could be done to alleviate the problem?
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : Mer 22. Mai 2019, 21:59

Re: DS Capture Flashing White on Windows 10

Message par Tecd0c » Lun 5. Août 2019, 23:57

it is most probably missing chipset Drivers, make sure you install them from the Mainboard manufacturer site..
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