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Price of old 3ds xl capture card

Price of old 3ds xl capture card

Message par PrimalSonico » Mar 31. Jan 2017, 17:38


I'm guessing over the next few weeks we can expect to see the old 3ds xl capture cards go on sale? (Hopefully)

I was just wondering how much they would be for the installation.

I know Katsu does it for like $240? Or something like that but I've heard bad things about Katsu so I don't want to risk it.

-Thank you
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Inscription : Sam 1. Oct 2016, 10:29

Re: Price of old 3ds xl capture card

Message par Tecd0c » Mar 31. Jan 2017, 23:41

It will be 239 Euro for the first batch, after it might go up 10 but I have to see the next delivery first...
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Re: Price of old 3ds xl capture card

Message par Zael » Mer 1. Fév 2017, 21:41

How much will it be with console? New 3DS XL was about 435€

Will be ready for next week? Thanks!
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Inscription : Lun 23. Jan 2017, 21:48

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