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Stock pour OLD 3DS

Stock pour OLD 3DS

Berichtdoor PokemonEnSeine » wo 12. okt 2016, 12:46

Bonjour à tous.

Je fais parti d'une association qui organise des tournois Pokémon en France - Pokémon en Seine.

J'ai vu que dans un post précédent il était spécifié qu'il y avait du stock pour les 3DS capture board pour les (Old) 3DS. Est ce encore le cas ? Car visiblement sur le site non.

Est ce possible de payer, d'envoyer sa 3DS et d'attendre que Comtronic Kerki ai du stock ?

Comment pouvons nous tenir au courant des arrivés de stock ?

Avez vous une idée pour quand la situation pourrait se débloquer ?

Merci beaucoup pour le temps que vous allez passé pour répondre à toutes ces questions.

Bonne continuation.
Berichten: 1
Geregistreerd: wo 12. okt 2016, 12:34

Re: Stock pour OLD 3DS

Berichtdoor Tecd0c » wo 12. okt 2016, 13:28


There is nothing I really can confirm, my personal contact with Neal (Loopy) was a month ago, there he told me that he discontinues the production of the (old)3DS Capture Cards.
And that he is still working on the NEW 3DS XL Capture Cards. But at his own Forum he posted 01. October 2016:

loopy wrote:

Paypal is screwy, even though the stock was set at 0 it would still let an order or two slip in every day. I guess if you hammer their server hard enough, it'll mess up sometimes. I hold some extra boards for repairs and such, so if you got lucky and managed to slip in an order that way, I'll still install it.

Yes, the plan is to move away from the old design. Components are becoming obsolete, I want to move to a smaller, cheaper, internal design on the old 3DS (matching the XL board design). It looks like I'll be doing one more small production run of the old boards (til the rest of the parts are used up, I have some cases & cables left over) but those won't last long.

Yes I know, everyone is anxious about pokemon. I'm sorry if I haven't gotten back to you, I get tired of responding to dozens of "When will you have (XYZ)????" every day. I try to keep up with normal support emails but these tend to get ignored. Sorry I haven't been involved in the forum for a long time. To be honest, I've been a little afraid, after being gone so long I figured it'd be in chaos by now.

XL and n3DSXL boards are being worked on (XL will probably be available first but n3DS should come soon after). I'm not going to try to guess a release date yet, but obviously it's in my best interest to have something done quickly with pokemon and end of the year coming up. I've focused on keeping up with orders, I've mostly been able to keep a 1-2 day turnaround time for months now but that doesn't leave me much time to work on new things. Now that orders have stopped I will be working on this full time now.

I need to go now, I'll be back tomorrow to follow up.

There was no follow up by him after that...
As you can read his post it is at least strange as it sounds opposite to what he told me personally.

So hopefully you understand that I can not give you any Information on that...
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