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Questions before purchase

Questions before purchase

Berichtdoor mujala » wo 7. sep 2016, 17:33


I was planning on buying a capture card installation from you if its possible.

I live in Sweden and in our household we have two New Nintendo 3DS XLs. One Majora's Mask Edition and the other Hyrule Edition. We will eventually send in one.
We were wondering if:
1. it's possible to do an installation of the capture card on the New Nintendo 3DS XL models? Or are they unsupported?
2. Will there be any damages to the casing or the console?
3. For the price, is the shipping included or will that be an extra fee?
4. Any time estimate? Do you have a lot of pending orders as of right now?
5. is it possible to purchase the capture card and a DIY-guide? (do it yourself)

Thank you in advance!
Much appreciated
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Geregistreerd: wo 7. sep 2016, 15:29

Re: Questions before purchase

Berichtdoor Tecd0c » wo 7. sep 2016, 18:14

All of your questions are answered in our forum already! :roll:

1. the 3DS Capture Card is model specific, so no.
2. yes as there has to be a hole in the case to let the USB cable connect to it.
3. after you choose the product, the shop adds automaticaly the fee for transportation to your country.
4.1-2 days for installtion, the NEW3DS XL no list or pending as the sale did not start yet.
5. no, only with installation
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Re: Questions before purchase

Berichtdoor Apo_TV » vr 9. sep 2016, 21:50

Don't want to mess with a potential sale, but @mujala, you should think twice before moding a limited edition. If I were you, I would rather buy a new one (normal) to get the capture card.

Anyway right now New 3DS XL aren't supported, yet.
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Geregistreerd: ma 21. maart 2016, 19:46

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