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[My Feedback] My FeedBack

Messaggioda evo2587 » mer 17. ago 2016, 18:34

Hi Stefan & Neal!

I'd like to thank you both for such an amazing product. I ordered the 3DS on Saturday, 13th August and received it on Wednesday, 17th August and the constant communication was outstanding with me and all my questions.

My experience with the 3DS Capture Card +NAND port pro has been nothing but amazing so far. i ordered the Ice White 3ds original with capture card and NAND port pro mod and the device has blown katsukity's out of the water on day 1! not had a need for the NAND port mod as yet but its always a great feature to have if you run custom firmware in case of bricks is amazing!!

sorry for all the questions and emails i had while going through with this purchase for my stream over on twitch :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thanks Again
Roger (Evo2587)
Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: dom 10. lug 2016, 10:02

Re: My FeedBack

Messaggioda Tecd0c » mer 17. ago 2016, 18:36

There is nothing to be sorry for! Thank you for the business!
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Iscritto il: gio 21. mar 2013, 22:15
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