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Capture Delay

Capture Delay

Message par OArcadiaSkiesO » Lun 23. Mai 2016, 15:51

Hi guys.

Just a quick question. I was wandering if there was any lag (delay) between the 3DS console and pc monitor when capturing footage as I plan to play the 3DS via my monitor.


Re: Capture Delay

Message par Tecd0c » Lun 23. Mai 2016, 17:20

No, there should not be any, even with a 4 years old PC it should work fine :)
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Inscription : Jeu 21. Mars 2013, 22:15
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Re: Capture Delay

Message par OArcadiaSkiesO » Lun 23. Mai 2016, 17:47

Thanks for the reply. 2 friends of mine just ordered off the site sadly I have to wait a bit longer as I dont have the funds yet.

Re: Capture Delay

Message par Deckerd » Mar 24. Mai 2016, 15:33

OArcadiaSkiesO a écrit :Thanks for the reply. 2 friends of mine just ordered off the site sadly I have to wait a bit longer as I dont have the funds yet.

I'm one of the friend ;)
Message(s) : 9
Inscription : Lun 23. Mai 2016, 02:04

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