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[My Feedback] Bought a katsukity New 2DS XL

[My Feedback] Bought a katsukity New 2DS XL

Postby CSDX » Tue 21. Apr 2020, 01:21

So, I bought a katsukity New 2DS XL that had just arrived today. Went ahead and tested it out, and it seemed to work great, until I opened OBS Studio to test it, and it ended up stuttering the frame rate and audio. I wanted to post here about it, but the site seemed to be down(it was my VPN, surprisingly, as I accessed this site with it on before, but whatever), and only after accessing merki's FAQ had I discovered a few workarounds I had to do. Now, what do I think of this?

It's freaking awesome. The picture quality is so clear, it runs at a smooth af 60FPS, and I can even set it in separate windows so I can either record one screen at a time or just do both screens and alternate somehow(at least in recording, anyway, as streaming is a different story). I don't even need to adjust any async delay cause it captures it that well. The audio's pretty clear, too, and I won't even have to use the workaround with a bunch of audio cables, I bet. I'm so glad I made this purchase, and wanna thank the guy running the merki site for this.
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Joined: Tue 21. Apr 2020, 01:14

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