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Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Do 26. Feb 2015, 17:46
von Tecd0c
Verfügbar sind mit dem heutigen Stand noch:
Available as of today are:
Disponible à partir d'aujourd'hui sont:

11x 3DS Capture Card-Systems (pre-moded)
12x 3DS Controller Mod Boards

2015.02.26 16:45h

Wir erwarten die nächste Lieferung in 2 Monaten!
We expect the next delivery to arrive in 2 Months!
Nous attendons la prochaine livraison arrivera dans deux mois!

Re: Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Di 10. Mär 2015, 14:07
von winoxy
Bonjour, je voulais savoir si vous aviez encore des 3ds capture board pour 3ds normal, je suis intéressé et souhaite vous en acheter une.

Re: Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Di 10. Mär 2015, 14:13
von Tecd0c
seulement en tant que système complet.

Only complete premodded Systems.

3x 3DS with 3DS Capture Card are left and also now 3x with 3DS Controller Mod included already:)

Re: Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Di 10. Mär 2015, 19:18
von winoxy
Quand pensez vous avoir un système a installer sur ma 3ds?
Puis je le commander ?
Merci de vos réponses

Re: Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Di 10. Mär 2015, 19:51
von Tecd0c
No, you can not order now, as soon they are on the way I will start a preorder :)

Re: Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Sa 4. Apr 2015, 01:50
von silversgold
La 3ds capture card est-elle disponible pour la New 3ds ?
Si non, quand sera-t-elle disponible ?

Re: Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Sa 4. Apr 2015, 11:42
von Tecd0c
I don think that I will make an offer anytime soon!
The development for this Capture Card will take probably much longer, as the wiring at the bottom-side of the NEW 3DS mainboard is not possible anymore.
The US developer is NOT willing to do a risky and un-secure soldering connection at the connectors at the top side of the Mainboard.

The Japanese did anounce that he will do the N3DS with this type of wiring - he will solder all 40 wires on the 2 connector-end - this is quite risky and therefore madness!

I'm not connected with him...

This has also posted Neal (in US Forum) - I agree with him completely, that it is not practical to risk something like this on every day basis! ... 174#p10174

We'll see how good it works with the Japanese and if he will continue offering this Service - at the moment he is running a preorder ...
I'm curious how many problems & complaints he will have in the future...

With best regards

Re: Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Mo 6. Apr 2015, 14:02
von Steveur93
Quand pensez vous avoir un système a installer sur ma 3ds ou 3ds XL

Merci de vos réponses.

When you think you have a system to install on my 3DS XL or 3DS

Thank you for your answers.

Re: Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Mo 6. Apr 2015, 21:27
von Tecd0c
I honestly do not know! I expect them in about 1 Month, but again I depend on Neal (US - Loopy)

Re: Verfügbar - Available - Disponible

BeitragNachricht erstellt...: Sa 9. Mai 2015, 13:00
von Jerometa

I need the 3DS XL with capture card for work. It's impossible to find it in any place :(

I don't speak german and I don't know if I suscribed correctly to the newsletter. Please, some help xD.