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New 2DSXL USB port

New 2DSXL USB port

Message par evilallstar » Mar 14. Mai 2019, 04:49

I bought a New 2DSXL with the capture card a few months ago. For reference, my order number was 8171. Everything worked fine with it until today. I tried to plug in the usb cord earlier today and the port in the 2DS got pushed back inside the system, so now I'm unable to plug it in to use the capture. I'll need to send the 2DS in for repair, and I'm wondering what the process is to set that up.
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : Mar 14. Mai 2019, 03:00

Re: New 2DSXL USB port

Message par Tecd0c » Mar 14. Mai 2019, 12:53

Please send it to us for repair, you pay the shipment on the way to us - we return on our costs.
As for shipping, please read our shipping advice here:
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Message(s) : 885
Inscription : Jeu 21. Mars 2013, 22:15
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Re: New 2DSXL USB port

Message par evilallstar » Mer 15. Mai 2019, 00:23

Thank you for your response. I should be shipping it within the next few days. I do have one question. Along with my address, should I also write down the reason I'm sending it to you on the paper?
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : Mar 14. Mai 2019, 03:00

Re: New 2DSXL USB port

Message par Tecd0c » Mer 15. Mai 2019, 01:05

Yes, please. But this kind of stuff would be better handled by e-mail anyways, as I have a better track of things from my Outlook as from the forum..
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Message(s) : 885
Inscription : Jeu 21. Mars 2013, 22:15
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