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Please Enter Product Code!

Please Enter Product Code!

Message par zeroguilt » Mer 4. Sep 2019, 20:48

I was in the middle of my stream and my USB disconnected and when I reconnected it, the n3DSviewer told me I had to enter my product code and I no longer have the code for it since I bought it back in April 26,2015. I sent out emails and PMs to admins and hopefully reaches them! Thank you for the read.
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Mer 4. Sep 2019, 20:38

Re: Please Enter Product Code!

Message par Tecd0c » Mer 4. Sep 2019, 23:01

From the date you bought it, I'm sure that you bought it straight from Keity in Japan.
So you got originally the key from them.. not from here..
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