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How to prevent sessions from being saved

How to prevent sessions from being saved

Postby Johneames » Mon 23. Oct 2017, 10:06

Hi there,

I'm building a website that uses session variables. My understanding of session variables is that they only exist as long as the browser is open -- meaning that once the browser closes, the session variables are lost.

My website anticipates this to be the case, but I have found that my session variables are being stored (possibly in cookies). When I close the browser, and then reopen it and return to my website, I find that the session variables are still set. Shouldn't they be disappearing when the browser closes?

This is a big problem since my website assumes that the information is lost. Is there some way for me to make sure that my session variables aren't being saved in cookies? That way, when the browser closes, no information has been saved, and therefore, when I return to the website, there should be no session variables. Is there any way to do this? If so, how?


I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
References: ... 25409.html

website builder software
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