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Desktop booted up bot not connecting to anything?

Desktop booted up bot not connecting to anything?

Message par Johneames » Lun 23. Oct 2017, 10:10

Hi there,

I drove 3 days to move to a new home and decided not to set up my computer until I settle in. 2-3 months later I decided to set up my computer and when everything is plugged in I booted it up. Nothing was getting activated. My HDMI monitor has no signal and my USB mouse and keyboard that usually lights up does not light up when connected. All the fans inside my fans are running perfectly fine including my video card, processors and my case fans.. I built this PC 3-4 years ago and I tried replacing BIOS battery CR2032... ???


I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
References: ... 101.0.html

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Message(s) : 2
Inscription : Mar 17. Oct 2017, 08:38

Re: Desktop booted up bot not connecting to anything?

Message par Tecd0c » Lun 23. Oct 2017, 10:58

Yes, it looks like either the memory stick or one of the pluggable cards are not connected anymore.

Do you hear a peeb as soon you turn on the machine?
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